The History
Tradition and innovation in perfect fusion

Founder Ludwig A. Schmitt
T he firm was established by Ludwig A. Schmitt in Leipzig. Production focused mainly on creams and oral hygiene products for pharmacists. It was a tough time for care creams, as such products were regarded as luxury. The concept of woman was being transformed. More and more women were going out to work, and the ideal of femininity shifted from the pale lady of the drawing room to a more attractive type of woman with a healthier appearance.
T he “Escoderma” and “BioCreme” brands were launched in the early Thirties. The product lines consisted of simple moisturising creams based on a water/oil emulsion. Many new products like shaving cream and shampoo were introduced. The firm of L.A. Schmitt started up a sales force team to look after chemists, enabling products to be presented and advice given to customers on the spot.
B y the early Forties a large number of brands and product lines had become established on the German market. During World War 2, a time of deprivation and suffering, it was predominantly hygiene products that were being sold. L.A. Schmitt held an important position in the German oral hygiene market with brands like “Denticura”, “Dondotent” and “Mundadent”, to name but a few.
A lthough advancing in years, Ludwig A. Schmitt demonstrated pioneering spirit by moving to Ludwigsstadt in 1953, taking the company with him. The new premises boasted over 4,000 m. of usable floor space. The Fifties saw the rapid spread of a feeling of optimism and joie de vivre. The better off people became, the more luxury they could afford. Women’s fashion became more feminine again, and leisure activities became more diverse. L.A. Schmitt had his finger on the pulse and launched many new care products. In the late Fifties L.A. Schmitt set up a training centre for training courses and advice on matters of beauty and skin care.
I ncome per household rose in the Sixties, and people started to have more leisure time. Travel became more popular, for the first time many people were able to spend their holidays at the lakeside or in the mountains. This new freedom was also reflected in consumer behaviour.
The ‘Mediterranean physio extract,’ well-known for its effectiveness in addressing physical circulation, promoting relaxation, and even alleviating insomnia, has garnered considerable popularity in pharmacies. These ampoules became the foundation for Frauka’s Physio Balancing Oil.
ESCODERMA care products were distributed exclusively through pharmacies.
T he early Seventies featured the development of cosmetics brands on an international level. Business took off in Switzerland, Austria, Italy and France. Shopping habits were changing. Shopping centres and chain stores mushroomed, competition becoming appreciably fiercer. At a time of rapid growth, L.A. Schmitt never lost sight of his fundamental moral values. Even back then our suppliers were being rated by ethical standards as well as by quality.
C onsumers expected an ever increasing diversity of products. L.A. Schmitt launched numerous new products and focused more and more on product lines for chemists. These products represented quality and good value for money.
In the mid-Eighties L.A. Schmitt took over the well-established Berlin firm of BERNOTH , strengthening its market position.
T he transition from the Eighties to the Nineties saw a change in social values. The initial impact of globalisation and the world markets was being felt. Society was taking a serious look at issues like environment, exploitation of the Third World and damage caused by industrial mass production. Consumers’ purchases were being based on ethical considerations – a development we welcomed very much.
F or 75 years now the firm of L.A. Schmitt has remained faithful to its principles, developing and producing cosmetics products for special requirements. Whilst many companies strive for quantity and economic growth, L.A. Schmitt’s supreme objective is, as it always has been, quality. In times of globalisation we have upheld fair trade, treating weaker communities on an equal footing and supporting them. We will retain this approach in the future, too. It is our principles as well as our products that are our defining strengths.
T owards the end of the first decade of the new millennium, we entered a promising future in deciding to join a network of successful companies. With these we now cover the entire spectrum of care cosmetics. From the research of new process technologies and the resulting development of innovative products to attractive channels of distribution and consulting services, we are committed to creating and distributing complete brands on behalf of our customers.
O On March 1, 2018, Mr. Ivo Petschke (47) took over the management from Mr. Manfred Stöver (67), who went into well-deserved retirement. Mr. Petschke has been the company’s Marketing and Sales Manager since September 2013. In addition to the management, he will also remain responsible for the areas of marketing and sales in the future and will therefore remain the central contact for customers and partners. As part of this change, Ms. Martina Löffler (51) also received individual power of attorney. Ms. Löffler has been responsible for accounting and administration at L.A. Schmitt since January 1992.
L a Cultura Verde Ltd. becomes a 100% shareholder of L.A. Schmitt GmbH. With the products `Made in Germany` an internationalization is strived for. Competitiveness is strengthened by investments at the location and jobs are thus secured and expanded in the long term.